Optometrist visit
Published on August 16, 2004 By Nareo In Blogging
I know this is supposed to be about me entering Teacher's College and this blog will be about that when I finally get there, but I just have to rant about an experience I had today.

I went to the optometrist to see if I needed a new prescription. I've been wearing glasses since I was 4 or 5 because, initially, I had a lazy eye. My eyesight got slightly worse over the years, though the lazy eye was corrected, and my glasses became thicker and thicker and eventually, in Grade 5, I got progressive lenses (bi-focals) to help with my reading (I assumed -- I was young and didn't question it obviously!). I have been seeing the same optometrist for years and years and his wife happens to be a former student of my dad's, she coached me when I was a swimmer, etc. I couldn't get in to see him this year and decided to make an appointment with someone around my place.

Anyway, the optometrist today told me at the end of the appointment that he didn't know why I was wearing progressives and said that you never ever see someone my age wearing bifocals and he can think of no good reason (and did all sorts of tests) why I should be wearing them. That means that for x number of years I have been wearing bi-focals needlessly and not even wondering about it. I just thought that was the vision I had!

I'm so shocked right now. And disgusted. My family and I have wasted money for so many years on expensive glasses... I had an unnecessary root canal a while ago. Grrr.

Anyway, end of rant. I'm going to get glasses this week, before my benefits run out, and they'll be much much cheaper thank goodness. The optometrist today said that I won't need bifocals for another ten to fifteen years which is fine by me...

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